Eight Tips For Reducing Alcohol Consumption

Alcohol addiction has become a great nuisance in many families and societies. Many families are shattered. Accidents and road rages are increasing due to overconsumption of alcohol. Here are some tips suggested by The US Department of Health and Human Services.

Alcohol consumption is increasing in the modern lifestyle.When it crosses the limits and becomes an addiction, it turn to be dangerous to the individuals as well as the society.Alcohol consumption is the first use of drug.The National Institute of Drug Abuse says that the first use of alcohol begins typically at the age of 12.Several studies point out that teenagers have long been involved in underage drinking who begin alcohol consumption as a harmless fun, not knowing that it can potentially lead to danger and even death.

Cutting down alcohol consumption

Alcohol addiction has become a great nuisance in many families and societies.Welfare organizations and government institutions are struggling hard to rehabilitate the alcohol addicts.

They are motivating the alcohol consumers to cut down the use of alcohol step by step.They suggest that even small changes in drinking alcohol can help the consumers reduce the harm caused by alcohol.The less they drink, the lower their risk of developing problems.

Suggestions to cut down alcohol consumption

The US Department of Health and Human Services and the National Institutes of Health (NIAAA) have provided self-help tools for assessing and changing risking drinking behavior.They have published a guideline book containing eight tips for cutting down the alcohol consumption.They are useful for the alcohol consumers of all nations.

Eight tips for reducing alcohol consumption

1) Tracking the quantity of alcohol consumption.Making an effort to count the drinks of realizing the quantity of alcohol consumption per day or a week may help motivate the person to reduce alcohol.

2) The size of the drinks and the number of times drunk also should be measured.The website of NIAAA helps alcohol consumers who wish to reduce their drinking.They have been proved to be very useful in assessing and cutting down alcohol consumption.

3) It suggests tips to decide how many days a week one may drink and how much he/she should drink.

4) The suggestions help to pace and space the drinks which enables the consumer to be on the alert.

5) Diet has an important role in drinking.The above suggestions include what type of diet to be taken so that the alcohol consumed may be absorbed into the body system.

6) It points out the triggers to be aware of and avoided.The triggers induce a person with the urge to drink.

7) There are also suggestions to handle the urge to drink by distracting oneself or changing the situations of the urge.

8) The consumer should be able to say “No” if he/she is offered a drink at an inappropriate time.

The above tips have been found very useful to motivate and rehabilitate an alcohol consumer and reduce the alcohol consumption.


Article Written by vpaulose

I am a freelance writer writing in many sites. I write on health, education, personality development, religion, etc. I have MS in Psychotherapy and Counseling, Doctorate in Alternative medicines, 36 years of teaching experience in Tamil Nadu, 2 years of Clinical experience in Kerala many medical certificates to my credit. I want to write a lot and reach the world.

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