How Could Mandy Control Her Bp And Menstrual Fatigue?

Most of the people above the age of forty suffer from high blood pressure and heart problems. Women struggle with problems associated with the menstrual cycle. Banana provides relief from many of such problems. The rich content of fiber regulates the stool habits.

Mandy has been suffering from blood pressure for sometime.She is quite aware of the adverse effects of this health problem, especially in her forties.She began to look for some natural remedy when the menstrual fatigue also added to the problem of blood pressure.She has found relief after adding banana regularly to her diet, although she had some sentimental dislike towards the golden fruit banana.

Millions of people like banana.It is called "the fruit of the poor" in some countries such as India.There is no wonder that this sweet and creamy fruit, prepackaged in a beautiful yellow jacket and available for harvest throughout the year, is hailed as one of the healthiest foods of the world.

It is the favorite food of most of the people from infants to elders.

Banana one of the healthiest foods

There are many health benefits of eating bananas regularly.It is rich in potassium, vitamins, fiber content, and other nutrients.You might have seen athletes and players eating bananas between the games.The rich content of carbohydrates helps the players to get the energy they require to play the game with fresh energy.

One of the main reasons for its being the healthiest food is its fiber content and the three natural sugars - sucrose, fructose and glucose.

Banana for reducing blood pressure

The rich content of potassium in banana helps to control blood pressure by excreting sodium through urine.Researchers at John Hopkins University found that low potassium is associated with high blood pressure.Dr.Svetkey says that potassium is beneficial to prevent and control hypertension.

Mandy is relieved of menstrual fatigue

Women undergo a crisis before and during the age of menopause, especially the women who have their  ovaries removed surgically.Such women experience an abrupt menopause They experience fatigue and depression easily.Choosing right foods helps these women prevent or treat the symptoms of menopause.They should keep their health vibrant through their diet.

Fiber content of banana plays a vital role in health

Archives of Internal Medicine reports that the rich fiber content of banana lowers high blood pressure and prevents many heart problems.Constipation and poor stool habits are the curse of the modern sedentary lifestyle.

Rich content of potassium in banana help women to beat their fatigue.It can also lower the risk of high blood pressure.

Banana is available all over the world in all seasons.It is an ideal addition to a healthy diet.It provides an instant, sustained and substantial boost of energy.No wonder that Mandy decided to add banana to her diet regularly.


Article Written by vpaulose

I am a freelance writer writing in many sites. I write on health, education, personality development, religion, etc. I have MS in Psychotherapy and Counseling, Doctorate in Alternative medicines, 36 years of teaching experience in Tamil Nadu, 2 years of Clinical experience in Kerala many medical certificates to my credit. I want to write a lot and reach the world.

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