Avocado, The Fat Friend Of Heart Health

Avocado is gaining popularity all over the world today. The anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties of avocados are recognized by the modern researchers. They are good for arthritis and heart diseases.

Avocado, the Alligator Pear, is gaining more popularity in the globalized health world. Modern technology and globalization have shrunk the whole world into a small globule where you can exchange ideas and things instantly. Avocado is treated both as a fruit and as a vegetable. It is one of the most nutritious fruits that can reach any corner of the world today. No wonder that avocado is gaining more popularity in the modern world.

Avocado one of the most nutritious foods

Antioxidants play a very vital role in modern health. Avocado is rich in the powerful carotenoid antioxidants lutein and zeaxanthin as

well as a vitamin E substance called tocopherol which are very essential for health. They help for a healthier cellular environment and decrease oxidative stress. It also contains ionic potassium and folate which help the body buffer acidic wastes that accumulate within the human tissue and bloodstream. One of the salient features of avocado is its fat-soluble property.

The World’s Healthiest Foods enlists various types of culinary as well as health benefits of avocado. The website points out a recent research that has shown a salad of avocado or addition of avocado oil can help the absorption of two key carotenoid antioxidants, namely lycopene and beta-carotene.

The site suggests that an avocado salsa is a great-tasting recipe that can help optimize your health benefits. Researchers have found that the carotenoid diversity in avocado is really amazing which is more beneficial than other fruits such as orange or red vegetables.  

A rich mine of anti-inflammatory properties

Avocado is hailed for the anti-inflammatory properties. It is known for the benefits of avocado fats which particularly are useful in treating the health problems involving arthritis.

Avocado's anti-inflammatory nutrients can

be classified into  five basic categories: 1) phytosterols, 2) carotenoid antioxidants, 3) other non-carotenoid antioxidants, 4) omega-3 fatty acids and poly hydroxylated fatty alcohols. These anti-inflammatory properties of avocado help prevent osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.

A fat friend of heart health

Fat and cholesterol are the threatening elements of heart health. The magic of avocado is its rich fat content which is soluble. Natural News confirms, based on several studies, that avocado provides the healthy kind of fat that your body needs. Avocado boosts the level of HDL, the "good cholesterol", which can help protect against the damage caused by free radicals. According to a study published in the Canadian Medical Association Journal, a vegetarian diet which includes HDL fats can reduce levels of LDL, the "bad cholesterol" as effectively as statin drugs.

Fat content, which is deemed to be unhealthy to heart, works in a reverse way in avocadoes because of their soluble fatty acids. In this way, they actually provide protection against heart diseases. Oleic acid, the primary fatty acid in avocados, is heart-friendly.

Changes in diets, such as eating fast foods, are the main reasons for modern health problems. Why not try for healthy diets with avocado and protect your health? Try this avocado, the heart-friendly superfood of the modern healthworld.

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