Treat The Seniors Cool: Safe From The Summer Heat!

Summer heat can easily affect the elderly people and cause them serious problems. Elderly people should be cared more not to be affected by the high temperature.

Summer is hot. The heat of the summer and the hot rays of the sun are very dangerous to the elderly persons. The temperatures of the season are not steady and the variation affects the physical system of the senior people. In addition to the rise in the temperature the humidity level also rises considerably to cause the seniors more problems.

Why are the senior people more affected by the summer heat?

The elderly people are easily affected by the severity of heat since their immunity power is weak by their aging process. Their bodies struggle hard to adjust with

the sudden changes in the temperature and the climatic conditions. They fall easy victims to the impacts of the variations in the atmosphere. Most of the elderly people are already loaded with diseases and the changes in the temperature add more problems.

Here are some tips to protect the elders from the summer heat and keep them cool.

1) The senior people should never be affected by dehydration. They should have a glass of water readily available for their use, whenever they feel thirsty. They should drink plenty of fluids, even if they do not feel thirsty.

2) They should wear light dress. They should avoid dresses in dark colors which would absorb

heat. Light colored cotton dresses with short sleeves can be preferred.

3) The elderly people should stay away from the direct attack of the sun. They should be indoors during the hottest hours of the day. They should not expose themselves for sunburn.

4) The seniors should avoid household chores such as washing or doing works under the sunlight. They can do them in the evening or when it is not very hot.

5) A nap during the peak hours of heat is ideal to avoid the exposure to the heat of the sunlight. During these hot hours they may spend their time in relaxation. They can watch some program and avoid moving here and there.

6) The elderly people should also pay attention to their eating habits in summer. They may avoid meat loaf recipes and can add more vegetables and fruits. They should not cause strain to their digestive system by loading heavy foods. They should be careful about their bowel habits, especially in summer. Heavy foods will increase metabolic heat production and also will increase water loss.


Article Written By vpaulose

I am a freelance writer writing in many sites. I write on health, education, personality development, religion, etc. I have MS in Psychotherapy and Counseling, Doctorate in Alternative medicines, 36 years of teaching experience in Tamil Nadu, 2 years of Clinical experience in Kerala many medical certificates to my credit. I want to write a lot and reach the world.

Last updated on 16-07-2016 2K 0

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