Buddhist Contribution To Global Ayurveda

Ayurveda is an ancient medical system of India. Buddhism has an important role in taking this science of life to the whole world and making it a global medical system. The great efforts of this Buddhist monks like Nagarjuna have a vital role in spreading it throughout the world.

Buddhism, a religion that has its origin in India and was founded in the sixth century BC, is a religion of Nature. It is a way of living nature. It suggests living a healthy life, by utilizing the natural resources. Buddhism insists the natural way of healthy life. Ayurveda, an ancient medicinal science of India which has its origin thousands of years ago, also teaches the way of life. In fact, the word “Ayurveda” literally means “the science of life”.

Buddhism had been much interested in Ayurveda and was practised by the Buddhist monks to treat diseases. Buddhist monks spread the

system of Ayurveda wherever they spread the principles of Buddhism. You can find the roots of Ayurveda in China, Tibet, Mongolia, Korea, Sri Lanka and in many Asian countries, carried over by the Buddhist monks travelling to those lands. The principles of Ayurveda were developed in those countries into various therapies such as  aromatherapy,homeopathy and naturopathy.

Intertwined relationship of Buddhism and Ayurveda

The book titled “Tibetan Buddhist Medicine and Psychiatry”, written by Clifford. T., describes about the close association between the spread of Ayurveda and Buddhism. Buddhism treated Ayurveda as a great science that can help a healthy life. Buddhism developed this medical science for more than a thousand years until the twelfth century A.D., until India was occupied by the Muslim rule. The Buddhist monks and scholars not only spread the medical system of Ayurveda but also developed it in various ways. They propagated the system of medicine wherever Buddhism flourished. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is Buddhism that has enlightened the whole world with the

ancient knowledge of Ayurveda.

Nagarjuna developed the Ayurvedic methods

Nagarjuna was one of the Buddhist monks who contributed much for the development of Ayurveda. He is hailed as a great luminary of this ancient medical system. Nagarjuna, who lived in the second century A.D. in India, was not only a Buddhist monk but also a great physician of Ayurveda. He made several researches in the ancient system and could adapt them in his practice successfully.

The researches of Nagarjuna paved the pragmatic way to introduce mineral-based medicine which are still followed in the medical world. He was a great philosopher and psychologist. His psychological and philosophical contributions caused great influence in Ayurveda. The major contribution of Nagarjuna to Ayurveda lives for ever through his enriched work of Ayurvedic Materia Medica. His great knowledge of Ayurveda was known to the whole world by passing on the system through the Greeks and Arabs who invaded India.

Buddhist contribution to global Ayurveda is really a great achievement in history. It has widened the medical knowledge throughout the world. The contribution of the Buddhist monks still has an inestimable significance in history, continuing the creativity and effectiveness of Ayurveda.

Sources: 1) Tibetan Buddhist Medicine and Psychiatry”, written by Clifford. T

               2) Nagarjuna's Contribution to Rasashastra by the website www.indianmedicinalplants.info

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